
Центр карьеры МГИМО


Agency of National Communication StrategiesЦентр Карьеры Юридического факультета МГУWeb CLOUDS


Анатолий ТоркуновНиколай Юрьевич РомановАнастасия МакаренкоAndrey MatuzovAnastasia Bizyukovaphilologist livejournalВиктор ПисаревВасилий СидоринДмитрий ГоворовAlex SchlesingerНаташа ДавыдоваТамара ШашихинаНаталья НаумоваMax KatzevДмитрий ПерепелкинМаксим Слесарев

White & Case has remained a leader for more than a century because we believe in the power of new ideas. We consider renewal essential for the growth and development of our firm. We want our clients to benefit from vitality, energy and new perspectives of our beginners. We are looking for bright and dedicated people who share our enthusiasm and passion for the law, people with remarkable and startling ideas. Working at White & Case You will be doing interesting work from your very first day with us. We offer the chance to work in a wide variety of practice areas representing various Russian and international clients, from start-ups to the world's leading corporations. Working closely with and learning from other lawyers, you will become part of a team in a welcoming and supportive environment.

